Metallic and sour…the taste every time I remember them! Grainy little pieces of grit lie on the palate of my tongue.I cringe at the thought of swallowing my mouthful of contention with sharp hesitation because
The gatherer takes many trips.Unconsciously scoping out the inevitable and undeniable disparities.Dancing with souls and ancient remnant – based atrocities. Peering through the window shops of intrusive hypocrisies.All the while trying to remain in [(white)]
A Light of Creativity
Do you never notice how naturally excited you become when you come up with an amazing idea? You get hyped and smile ear-to-ear. Right? Well, that’s what I do. It is nothing more refreshing than
Taking a Moment to Relax
Today everyone is in such a busy space where time is sacrificed for everyone and everything but time. We make no time to rest, sleep (deeply), meditate, digest or even breathe! Yes, I said breathe
The Need for Art
Art is like a language. It is a platform in which we can use to communicate, share and express ourselves. Since the dawn of time, art has existed in many forms. Every culture has it,